Experimenters have a prototyping mindset.
They’re able to rapidly generate many ideas, zero in on the most promising ones, put them into motion, and refine along the way. They have high standards, but they’re also not afraid of embarrassment or failure. Experimenters can help when the team is experiencing “analysis paralysis” and can’t take action—or when it simply can’t come up with enough new ideas.
If this is your superpower
Not everyone is as comfortable with prototyping as you are. If you’re working with people who are afraid to fail, try biting things off in smaller chunks, so the risk feels more manageable.
You can get fidgety when the team is in talking mode instead of doing mode. Think about how to make those conversations more tolerable, so you can participate in them without getting impatient.
If you’re working with them
Resist the temptation to edit too early when working with experimenters. Their process is to generate a lot of ideas without judgment, then narrow down the best ones.
Experimenters are very comfortable having their work critiqued—they don’t take it personally. So remember when they critique your work, they don’t intend for you to take it personally either.